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2025.01.20 授業紹介 英語系
【KEG class profile】 Academic Research 4 - Graduation thesis and presentation(卒業論文と発表)

2025.01.06 留学 海外研修
カナダ留学2024 Welcome back to Hiroshima


2024.12.24 授業紹介 英語系
【KEG class profile】 Academic Research 2 - a seminar class conducted in English(ゼミでの卒業研究活動)

Towards the end of the second year of study, students in the Department of International English listen to short teacher talks about seminar cla...

2024.12.19 留学 海外研修
カナダ留学2024 現地リポート③

Our students have had a fantastic time in Canada! As we approach Christmas, MA sent us the following report and wonderful Christmassy photos.

2024.12.09 授業紹介 留学 海外研修
海外研修 in ロサンゼルス〜現地スタッフとの事前準備〜


2024.11.29 留学 海外研修
カナダ留学2024 現地リポート②

The study abroad program in Canada is a great opportunity for our students. Here is the second report on Canadian life from one of our students. Please read on to hear about Thanksgiving, birthday parties and campfires.

2024.11.21 英語系
Ayamesai Festival Fun

The annual HJU Ayamesai has just been held and the Department of International English were very active on campus. The weather was really good for most of the day and the visitors were treated to food and drink, music and dance, and laughter and smiles all around. The...

2024.11.11 授業紹介
Perspectives on Peace: Latest 

Since last year the Department of International English has regularly hosted an online class, Perspectives on Peace.  In this course, our students and some guests from partner schools across Asia watch lectures that discuss peace in various ways. It ...

2024.10.21 留学 海外研修
カナダ留学2024 現地リポート①


2024.10.11 英語系
国際英語学科教員が一部翻訳した『バーナード・ショー戯曲集 下』が出版されました!

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