人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース

All-English Seminar Classes for Eigo Bunka Course Students

Kokusai Eigo Gakka (KEG) has four years of seminar-style support for our students. Towards the end of the second year, students decide which Academic Research seminar they want to join. Students in the Eigo Bunka course who want to do all their 3rd- and 4th-year seminar classes in English often join John Herbert's seminar class.

(国際英語学科では、4年間を通して少人数のゼミ形式の授業で学生をしっかりサポートしています。学生たちは、3、4年次に「アカデミック・リサーチ」、通称ゼミに所属するため、2年次後期に所属先を決めます。英語文化コースでは、英語でゼミを受けようとチャレンジする学生たちがJohn Herbert教授のゼミを選択します。今回は、Herbertゼミの様子をご紹介します。)

The seminar is all about language and society. Students spend the first semester of the 3rd year discussing how themes such as age, gender, ethnic groups, and where you live affect the way we use language. Students also learn about different varieties of English in the world, bilingualism, the language on signs, and even endangered languages. We have a lot of fun, learn a lot, improve our English, and it is great to hear student ideas on our themes.


Then it is time for students to make a choice! What theme do they want to research in detail for their graduation thesis?



AN1 working on her thesis

Right now, students who are working on their graduation thesis are researching about the following themes:

  • Gender and language(ジェンダーと言語)
  • English language in Singapore(シンガポールにおける英語)
  • English-Welsh bilingualism in Wales(ウェールズにおける英語とウェールズ語のバイリンガル問題)
  • Comparison of messaging styles in English and Japanese(ソーシャルメディアにおける言語表現に関する英語と日本語の比較)
  • Social dialect in "My Fair Lady"(『マイ・フェア・レディ』に見る社会方言)
  • English language imperialism(英語による帝国主義)
  • Evolving Australian English(オーストラリア英語の進化)

Why did students choose their themes? Each student has her own special interest and has found an area meaningful to them. For example, FW said that by studying about English in Singapore she "can gain a deeper understanding of Singapore's culture" and that "knowing Singapore gives you a deeper understanding of Asia as a whole."


What are students' thoughts on an all-English seminar? FN and RN both say "it is so useful to improve my English", AN2 thinks it helps her "learn practical English skills" and AN1 "aspires to improve English skill quickly". Other students believe it helps their growth. MK2 says "it is not easy, but to get a lot of information in English enlarges my view" and FW says "it's difficult, but it's also a catalyst for me to grow." MK1 sums up the challenge by saying, "It is hard but it is fun and good for you if you like English."


The final aim of the seminar is to complete a graduation thesis in English. This is what the finished thesis looks like, together with books that helped research.


thesis texts.jpg

And, when it is all over, students can look back on two years of small-group study. English levels have risen, knowedge is gained, and students can graduate knowing they have accomplished something really worthwhile.


Miyu graduation.jpeg

Successful thesis - successful graduation for MN.

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