人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース

TOEIC Tips from Current KEG Students, Part II〜TOEICスコアアップのコツ、教えますPart 2〜

In this article, the second in a series about HJU students' thoughts, experiences and advice about the TOEIC test, we hear from two more students. For teachers, it is always great to hear about student success stories, and because we all learn in different ways, I think for current and future students, hearing advice from people who have some experience is very useful.


First, I spoke with KN, who improved her score from 325 to 435!

1. How did you study to improve your score?スコアを伸ばすための勉強法は?

First I learned about the format of the test in TOEIC class. Then, as part of my CSP class assignments, I studied grammar and vocabulary for the test.


2. What motivates you/ How do you plan to use English in the future?モチベーションになっていることは?将来どのように英語を活かしたい?

In the future, I want to use English at work, and also in my free time, when I interact with people.


3. What is your target score by the time you graduate?大学卒業時の目標スコアは?

I want to get 700 or more before I graduate. I'm aiming for a score that I will need for working in the future, but also, I want to do as well as possible for myself.


4. Can you recommend one textbook/application/website?おすすめの対策本、アプリ、ウェブサイトを教えて!

I use a book called 'TOEIC L&R Test: 100 Grammar questions'. I wasn't so good at grammar before, so I got this book to help me get used to the questions.

(『TOEIC L&Rテスト 文法問題 でる1000問』です。私は文法が苦手だったので文法問題に慣れるためにこの本を買いました。)


KT is motivated not just by her future job, but also by using English in her free time.

Next, I spoke with RS. She jumped up a huge amount, from 475 to 755, in her first year at HJU.

I asked her the same questions, but she had some different ideas for us to consider.

1. How did you study to improve your score?スコアを伸ばすための勉強法は?

I improved my TOEIC score by actually using English for assignment reports. It helped to improve my overall abilities. In addition, I used vocabulary books to learn specific English words for the TOEIC test.


2. What motivates you/ How do you plan to use English in the future? モチベーションになっていることは?将来どのように英語を活かしたい?

I am motivated by working at a hotel for my part-time job. It increases the number of opportunities I have to use English and I often find myself using words I learned for the TOEIC test. So, I actually feel my learning is useful, which makes it more fun to study.


3. What is your target score by the time you graduate?大学卒業時の目標スコアは?

I want to get more than 900 before graduation!


4. Can you recommend one textbook/application/website...おすすめの対策本、アプリ、ウェブサイトを教えて!

Abceeed  https://www.abceed.com/
『TOEIC L & R TEST 出る単特急 金のフレーズ』


Here is a photo of RS with her 5 STARS certificate awarded to students who get 800 in the TOEIC test or Eiken pre-1 level.

(先日本学の後期開始にあたって、STARSプログラム修了証の授与式を行いました。RSさんには5つ星(TOEIC 800以上または英検準一級合格を達成)の修了証が授与されました。)

Well, with many current and future students preparing at this time for tests in the coming weeks and months, I would like to thank these two students for taking the time to offer us their advice.

And of course, congratulations to them for their success so far.

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