人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース

授業紹介―Oral Communication―

The first-year Oral Communication classes are an essential part of the development of language-in-use skills. With many students going on to work in a wide range of employment areas such as tourism, airlines, and internationally recognised companies, building skills and confidence in spoken English is an important part of this development.

1年生のOral Communicationの授業は実用的な英語能力を高めるために欠かせません。学生たちは将来、観光、航空、海外と取引のある企業など、さまざまな業界で活躍する可能性がありますが、英語の技能を高め、英語で話す自信を身につけることは、将来に向けての大切な準備となります。


With small group sizes and dedicated time for speaking on a range of topics, the Oral Communication classes provide an excellent environment for our students to talk about everyday topics, and communicate their own thoughts and feelings. One strategy in class has been to incorporate weekly English-language news articles into discussion, asking students to summarise what they have read in their own words, and host mini-discussions with their group members. The students have responded admirably to the challenge so far.



The main segment of weekly classes is organised around a common topic of conversation and/or daily communication. Although there is a layering on of key language items such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, our emphasis is always on speaking. Through practice followed by more practice, and of course the hard work and determination of each of our students, there has already been a noticeable improvement. I'm sure you'll join me in offering the Oral Communication students congratulations for their hard work so far, and encouragement for the future, too!



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