人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース

授業紹介ーDiscussion & Presentationー

The first-year GSE students are getting settled into life at HJU, and also getting used to a program with classes taught in English.



During their four years of study in GSE, the students will take classes with a wide variety of content, ranging from social and cultural themes to political and economic issues. In the GSE program, the students are very active in using their English in classes - planning projects, carrying out research, making presentations, and discussing issues. So, how do the GSE students get prepared for such active use of English in their classes?



One of the ways is through the skills classes that GSE students take during their first year of study. One of those classes is Discussion & Presentation. The main aim of this class is to ensure that students develop the confidence to take part actively in discussions and have the ability to make smooth and coherent presentations.

GSEの1年生はまず英語の技術を向上させるための授業の一つである"Discussion & Presentation"を受講することで力をつけます。この授業の狙いは積極的にディスカッションを行う自信をつけ、スムーズで首尾一貫したプレゼンテーションを発表できる技能を身につけることです。


In Discussion & Presentation, students take part in weekly discussions. Our first theme is about education in which the students discuss the value of study abroad programs. During the course, the students improve their ability to give opinions and agree and disagree with their classmates. They also learn a lot about the world (and about their classmates, too). The atmosphere is very friendly, but the students also work hard.



Students make regular mini-presentations. Very quickly, they become better and better at making short and clear presentations. Each student is different. Each student has her own personality. So, each student makes presentations in her own unique way. However, all the students gain the confidence to make informative and interesting presentations on a variety of topics.


It is amazing to see how GSE students become confident in discussing and presenting their ideas, both on and off campus, during their four years at HJU.


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