2. 大学からのお知らせ
  3. ネイティブ専任教員から学べる、全学共通科目「基礎英語」



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今回は、「基礎英語」を担当する4名の専任講師を紹介をしたいと思います(前回紹介した英語テキストMinimum Essentials 1 & 2を作ったのも彼らです)。先生には2つの質問(1つ目は個別、2つ目は共通の質問)と、学生へのメッセージを寄せてもらいました。


まずは、4人の中で最も長く広島女学院大学で教えられているPaul Spicer先生です。


Paul Spicer先生(愛称:Paul)

1. Why are you interested in Japanese films? (日本映画に興味を持った理由は?)

I love all film, but my research is on (older), Japanese films. I think that that culturally, historically, and stylistically, they are extremely interesting, and getting to the heart of the director's intention/message is always a great challenge.

2. What do you like best in Hiroshima? (広島について一番気に入っているところは?)

I have lived here for a few years and I love the friendliness of Hiroshima, the people are great. Also, there are so many things to do, and places to go. It is always fun.

3. Message to the students

Study hard, but don't forget to have fun!



次は、珍しい経歴を持つTimothy Wilson先生です。


Timothy Wilson先生(愛称:Tim)

1. What did you do before becoming an English teacher? (英語教師になる以前の仕事は?)

I worked in London (UK) as a court musician for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the British Royal Family. I played the violin at private dinners, prestigious events and award ceremonies, and also played the clarinet at national and international parades and occasions. This privileged job not only allowed me exposure to the British Royal Family but also to other VIPs, such as Emperor Hirohito and US Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

2. What do you like best in Hiroshima? 

I have lived in Hiroshima for 10 years and like it very much. There are many wonderful and enjoyable places to see, but I especially love to go to Miyajima. Every time I go there, there is always something different to see and explore.

3. Message to the students

Never give up on your dreams and goals. Life is about 'chances' and 'opportunities'; never leave anything to 'chance' and never let an 'opportunity' pass you by!



次は、イングランド北部のスコットランドに近いCarlisle(カーライル)出身のJamie Szuba先生です。


Jamie Szuba先生(愛称:Jamie)

1. What do you recommend about the northern part of England? (イングランド北部地方のオススメは?)

The lakes, mountains and forests in these areas are beautiful; if you enjoy hiking and outdoor sports then I recommend the lake District especially. Northern England is particularly famous for sports and music (football, The Beatles) and literature (the Bronte sisters, Wordsworth, Beatrix Potter, Lewis Carroll). The towns and cities are historic, modern and multicultural. The people are friendly and it's relatively cheap. If you visit the UK, remember there is much more than just London!

2. What do you like best in Hiroshima?

Hiroshima is one of the more attractive Japanese cities, and it is very family-friendly. I have small children, so I enjoy the parks, river walks and beaches. The size is perfect; large, but not too crowded, and it has a real international feel with the many overseas visitors. However, it also keeps its sense of community through sports, history and food culture. I'm a big fan of oysters and okonomiyaki, so Hiroshima suits me well!

3. Message to students

If you're considering a UK trip or homestay, please feel free to visit my office for a chat. I can help you find flights, recommend places to go, or answer any questions you have. My door is always open!



最後は、本年度着任されたDaniel Hougham先生です。


Daniel Hougham先生(愛称:Daniel)

1. Why are you interested in Kendama? (けん玉に興味を持ったきっかけは?)

I am interested in kendama because it is a traditional Japanese skill toy that is easy to play, and it is so much fun! Kendama is also very good for hand-eye coordination, and you can play it anytime and anywhere!

2. What do you like best in Hiroshima?

In Hiroshima, I like the Peace Memorial Park best because it is a truly special place that serves not only to memorialize the victims of the nuclear attack on August 6, 1945, but also to advocate world peace.

3. Message to the students

Ask lots of questions,
seek lots of answers,
and knock on a lot of doors!
Please feel free to knock on my office door (文学館, 2F, #203)! I am happy to help you. I hope you will make lots of friends, and enjoy your time as a university student at HJU! Do your best! 頑張って下さい!





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