人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース


Moving from high school to university is an exciting and challenging time for young people. Of course, it is the start of a new exciting chapter in their lives, but also, there is a lot to learn, and unsurprisingly, many students can feel a little overwhelmed at times. Here at HJU, we recognize this, and of course, we want to provide as much support as possible to our freshmen when they arrive. An important part of this is the regular 1:1 tutor meetings. In this short article, I'll share some of my own ideas about supporting students, and more interestingly, we can hear from a couple of our new freshmen, and learn about their experiences, concerns, and opinions about the 1:1 sessions.
(学生にとって高校から大学へと学びの場を変えることは、夢と期待に満ちた新しい生活の始まりであると同時に、新たなことを学ぶ大きな挑戦でもあります。 国際英語学科では新入生へのサポートとして定期的に1対1のガイダンスを行っています。今回のウェブニュースでは、このガイダンスの様子をお伝えしたいと思います。)

All teachers and people working in education recognize the importance of supporting learners. Of course, every student is different, and so having opportunities to provide tailored guidance is invaluable. Speaking personally, one of my favorite things about working at HJU is the friendly, family-like atmosphere, and for me, the 1:1 guidance sessions are a perfect example of the school culture and philosophy. I really appreciate the chance to get to know the students, and the 1:1 sessions I have with my tutees tend to vary a lot. Sometimes, they might have a specific, practical problem that I try to help them solve, and sometimes, we might just have a chat. However, I think it might be useful to get perspectives from the students themselves.

First, I spoke with TK. These are some extracts from our 1:1 tutor meeting.

ー You're in your second month of university life now. What are the main differences compared to when you were a high school student?

I think that since I have become a college student, many things that were once 'wants' have become 'realized'. I want to continue to develop myself through various experiences at university, pursuing what I want to learn while thinking about my future dreams, too. Especially, I have been enjoying having interesting conversations with native English teachers, both inside and outside the class, such as participating in TOEIC help sessions and some projects outside school.



- What is your impression of the 1:1 tutor meetings you have?

No matter how small the topic, this is a space for me to share and discuss in a friendly environment. The teacher speaks to me not just about things in school, but also in other parts of my life, such as my new experience of living alone. It is good to have some extra support. It is one of the most important times in my university life.

Next, I spoke with RY.

- Looking back to how you felt during your first few days of university life, what has changed?

In the first two weeks, I worried a lot about whether I could make friends, or keep up with lectures. However, during classes, I have made more and more friends, and thanks to the careful support of teachers, I've managed everything so far. Now, I'm enjoying my daily life.


RY getting ready for her tutor meeting.

- What kind of things do you talk about during your 1:1 tutor meetings?

We don't talk too seriously during this time. Instead, we chat about daily things and get to know each other better. However, when there is something serious to talk about, the teacher is ready to listen.

Well, thank you to both of these students for sharing their experiences and ideas. All the staff here at HJU want to make sure that every single student can have a chance to enjoy their university life!

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The final year of university is an important one for our seniors. Not only are they busy writing their theses, but also they are searching for jobs. Here at HJU, ensuring that every student receives the guidance and support necessary to find the right job for them is a really important part of our work. This includes the dedicated careers center, but also many other aspects of the teaching and curriculum.

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In this article, the first in a series, we hear from some of our current seniors, and learn about how they started forming their career plans, as well as some tips and tricks about searching for jobs, making applications, attending interviews, and ultimately, making that all-important decision!


First, we will hear from MM.

Can you tell us a little about how you started thinking about your future career?

Like many people, I didn't have one, specific job in mind. At first, this made me anxious, but after having a number of consultations at the University Career Centre, they helped me to approach the question of my future through thinking about myself. When I started thinking about my future career in this way, focusing on understanding how my unique character and skills would fit the companies and positions I was searching for, I realized that there were many more opportunities than I had first thought.

When it came to finding jobs, making applications, and attending interviews, what were your experiences?

I was quite active, which I think is important. I joined two one-day internships with different companies, which was a great chance for me to get some first-hand experience. In addition, I attended some online company presentation meetings, which were really useful, too. I also attended some in-person and some online job interviews. Each of these experiences was quite valuable for me, and I think that being active is a good way to find out what suits you, and what doesn't.

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What were the biggest challenges you faced, and what advice would you give to younger students who are thinking about their own futures?

My biggest challenge was reviewing my past and experiences. I initially thought my experiences were uninteresting, and that I wouldn't have anything to share with the interviewer. However, by understanding the perspective of the company, who is just concerned with finding the right candidate, I realized that my education and work experiences were quite good things to share with them. I recommend to people who are starting out with job hunting to research quite a wide range of companies and positions. I noticed through my own experiences that even though it depends on the individual company, often, they're more interested in your personal motivations and for joining them and what skills you have than things like grades or academic background.

Finally, have you had any offers, or even, made any final decisions?

I've been lucky enough to get a few offers already, and I've decided on one company that I'm excited to join. With the support of the staff here at HJU, and through being active and open-minded, I finally reached my goal of making a decision before I graduate.

Well, I think that hearing from MM has helped us understand the job-hunting process from the student perspective, and I am sure that her experiences and advice will be useful for many of our readers. If you're considering studying at HJU, please feel confident that many staff members are here to support you! Finally, I want to say a big "thank you" to MM for her contribution.

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The Department of International English (KEG) has many attractive elements that our students can take advantage of. We thought it would be a good idea to ask some of our KEG teachers to answer the question "What is one aspect of KEG that you think is particularly attractive?" Here are KEG teachers' answers.

Bobby Dormer

One thing I really love about life at HJU is the small group sizes in most classes. This means every student gets a chance to build confidence and share their ideas. It also adds to the safe, friendly, and almost family-like atmosphere at the university. As a teacher, I really have a chance to get to know every student, and they have a chance to get to know each other.

Kei Toda


Izumi Hatano


Yumiko Isobe




Kiyoshi Kouchi


Koki Sekitani

授業やゼミなどの一環としてITC (Intensive Training Course of English: 英語力養成集中コ) を実施しています。活動中は一切日本語禁止です。上級生は下級生の参加者に対して英語学習のための活動を準備し本番では進行役を担います。このような活動を通して教師として必要な技能を体験的に学びます。


Students taking part in the ITC (短期英語集中プログラムの様子)

John Herbert

The STARS program is really good. It focuses students' minds on using the opportunities in KEG to improve their English level. It is great to see students using English actively, connecting with KEG staff, and getting our support. When we hand out the 3, 4 or 5 STAR certificates at Orientation it is wonderful to see the look of achievement on the faces of recipients, and the looks of admiration from those watching on.

As you can see, there are plenty of opportunities for KEG students to embrace during their time at HJU. We hope that you will make the most of all these chances and we, of course, are there to help you do just that. Good luck!

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