人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース


On a very hot Sunday, we held our latest Open Campus. We thank all those who braved the heat to come to our campus in Ushita. It was a very collaborative and student-led event (as you can see in the photo below) and as well as being informative, we all had a lot of fun.


First up was the head of the Department of International English who explained to high school students and parents about the different courses, classes, activities and entrance exams available to students.


This session was followed by a model class, very active and collaborative in nature, that gave our visiting high school students a feel of the atmosphere of study life at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.


Then it was time for the real experts, our students, to give some great insight into study life, chances for study abroad, and all the other opportunities in the Department of International English that have led to their growth and growing confidence in their own abilities.




After these presentations, given in English and Japanese, the visiting high school students got to know our students better with some fun English activities. They also had a chance to chat with some of our teachers in the English cafe.
(説明の後は、高校生の皆さんと在学生が楽しくお互いをより良く知り合えるよう、英語のゲームを通して交流しました。また、外国人教員と会話するEnglish cafeもオープンしました。)



That left just enough time to relax and ask a few more questions to staff and students while taking in the information from the exhibits and posters on display. We had a great day and we hope all our visitors enjoyed themselves and came to understand a little about what studying in our department is really like. The staff and students in the Department of International English look forward to seeing you all again.

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We asked one of our international students to explain a little about her first impressions of life at HJU in the Department of International English.

Hello, I'm Trang, now a 1st-year international student in the Department of International English at HJU. I'm from Vietnam and came to Japan two years and six months ago. Before I came to Japan, I was just a girl who always depended on my parents. That is why I decided to study abroad, to empower myself completely through this adventure.

But why Japan and not another country? Originally, I'm a typical Asian girl, who always feels shy and not confident, but I thought I would get used to Japanese people soon. And I did, I got on well with Japanese life. Even though I feel more free here than in my hometown in Vietnam, I also got so much help from people I hadn't known, from teachers to Japanese strangers to colleagues in part-time jobs. At first I thought I would be a normal company employee in the future but now I'm in love with Hiroshima and Hiroshima people, so I really want to do something to help other foreigners, and especially contribute to the area's development.

Because of my goals, I tried hard to study as a college student though the COVID-19 pandemic and, finally, now I'm in the International English Department of HJU.

Trang on campus with her senpai tutors and friends

It is different from Japanese language school, where I couldn't have a chance to talk to Japanese people. In HJU, I met many Japanese girls and we are studying Japanese and English together. They are willing to be my friends, though I'm pretty shy and not confident because of my Japanese. In addition, I appreciate HJU for their dedicated help, they know how worried foreign students can be in a Japanese university. So I have a department teacher as my tutor; K.Y. and R.O. as my student senpai tutors; and also the International Center. They take care of me with tutor guidance every week, always asking how I feel about studying in HJU, and checking if I have any troubles or anxiety.

A weekly guidance session with her tutor

Everything in HJU has been wonderful. The only unfortunate thing is that my 1st year has been really busy, so I couldn't join any clubs. However, I hope I can join some activities and clubs when I have time. Eventually, with all the devoted help, I feel more confident now and am really looking forward to the next four years in HJU. So I'm glad to be in HJU and hope my experience will help you.

Many thanks to Trang for sharing some insights into life as an international student at HJU.

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At the weekend we held the first July Open Campus. It was great to have high school students and parents join us for a fun and active afternoon. The whole-university introduction session was conducted by the president, vice-president and a Department of International English senior, T.T. She explained to our visitors about the many opportunities, both on and off campus, that are available for students at HJU. Our visitors then joined us for our friendly and informative department sessions.

This week's Department of International English "Open Campus Team"

Everybody was made to feel at home as students and staff explained all about the Department of International English in an informal atmosphere.

Students took part in an active English class where they not only used their English, but also had a lot of fun while doing so.


After that, students explained about different aspects of study at HJU before our guests took part in the student-run English communication session. It was great and we even had a TV crew come to film the fun.

N.H. explains about her experience on one of our study abroad programs

Student-run English communication session

At the end of the day, our team of students posed for a photo shoot, surrounded by the department displays.


It was great to see so much energy, collaboration and communication flow between high school students, parents, and HJU students and staff. Thanks to everyone who joined us on the day. We look forward to seeing you again, and welcoming other high school students to our campus.


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While there are, of course, important things that happen in the classroom, at HJU, we encourage students to get off-campus and take part in as many things as possible. In the GSE Internship class, for example, we spend time studying the importance of experiential education for citizenship and have been reading selected texts about the topics of peace and the challenges faced by small organizations that work across national and cultural boundaries.
教室内で多くのことを学び、取り組むと同時に、キャンパスの外に出てできるだけ多く、さまざまな課外活動に参加することを奨励しています。 たとえば、「GSE Internship」という科目では、一市民として体験をすることの大切さを学び、平和についてや、国や文化の境界を越えて活動する小規模組織が直面する課題に関する書類を読んだりなどしています。)

HJU Students helping to set up for the event

Last weekend, as part of their internship at the World Friendship Center (WFC), one of Hiroshima's oldest peace organizations, four students from the Department of International English assisted in hosting the "Friends Day" event. I asked each of them to tell us a little about what the event is, what they did, and their impressions. First I asked MK to share some of her ideas and tell us about her experiences:
(先週末、広島で最も古い平和団体の一つであるワールド・フレンドシップ・センター(以下、WFC)でのインターンシップの一環として、国際英語学科の学生4名が「フレンズデー」イベントを手伝いました。 それぞれの学生にイベントの内容や感想などを話してもらいました。 まず、MKさんにフレンズデーで体験したことについて聞きました。)

"In the GSE Internship class, we are able to learn some background information about the WFC and think about the importance of real-world experience and working together with people in an organization. The work and community of WFC is deeply connected to peace. I learned about the history of the WFC and the founder, Barbara Reynolds, and as someone who grew up in Hiroshima, of course, I was interested in the idea of working at an organization that is connected to peace."
(「GSE Internship」の授業では、WFCの背景を学び、実際の経験と組織の人々と協力することの重要性について考えることができます。WFCの活動とコミュニティは平和に深く結びついています。WFCの歴史や、組織の創設者であるバーバラ・レイノルズ氏について学びました。広島で育った私は、平和に関連する組織で働くことに非常に興味がありました。)

Then, I asked TK to share her ideas, also:

From the readings we discussed in class, we learned about Barbara Reynolds' life and work. She traveled with her husband and some Hibakusha to raise awareness of peace and the destructive power of atomic weapons. Even though she faced many challenges, she never gave up, and her strong determination still exists in the WFC today.

I asked MS to tell us a little about the activities they took part in on Friends Day:

On Friends Day, when we arrived, we helped to prepare the display boards, which contained a lot of information about the WFC, and also had a part where people could write and share their own messages. During the interactive program we talked with various people in groups about peace and people shared their own perspectives and stories. As I wrote in my reflection journal, I found these people inspirational, and It made me reflect on my own challenges in maintaining my current skills and sparked a desire to embark on new endeavors.
(フレンズデーでは、WFC に関する多くの情報が記載された展示ボードの準備を手伝いました。ボードには、参加者が自分のメッセージを書いて共有できる部分もありました。 プログラムでは、グループに分かれてさまざまな人々と平和について話し合い、それぞれの人生のエピソードや考えを話し合いました。私はこの話し合いで色々と感化されました。自分自身の課題を振り返り、これから新しい取り組みを始めようと思いました。)

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HJU students joined a diverse group of friends, here they are reflecting on the history of the WFC

Finally, I asked AM to share what she did during her group's activities:

We had a group of people from various backgrounds, and of various ages. An 84-year old man told us about his experiences of the war, when he was young. Those stories are really precious and valuable. Also, I felt that those stories can be appreciated only when we have a chance to hear them from the people who lived them. So, to spread peace, first of all, I need to find and meet people directly, which is why this experience was so important for us, and why the concept of friendship is so important to the WFC.

OK, so thank you to all four students, to the staff at the WFC who have been working with us for a few years now, and to all the various people who joined together to make Friends Day a success!

Photo C.jpg
New friends were made and fun was had by all

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At the weekend HJU held our June Open Campus. We were delighted to welcome high school students to our campus and to let them know a little about what they can expect from university life in the Department of International English. Our department sessions were run by our friendly, talented students and our staff gave a helping hand.

Explanation session about the Department of International English

Surrounded by departmental displays, we first heard explanations from staff about all the opportunities available in our department, and our diverse choice of entrance exams -there's one to suit any needs. These explanations were followed by a collaborative model class titled "The Wonderful World of 21st Century English". It was great to see high school students and their parents collaborating with KEG students - enjoying themselves while learning, and getting a flavor of one of our inclusive KEG classes.
(学科の説明では、本学の学びも入試選抜も、一人ひとりのニーズに合わせて選んでもらえるように制度や機会を整えていることをお伝えしました。きっとみなさんのこれまでの経験やこれからの希望に合った選択ができるはずです。続く模擬授業では、"The Wonderful World of 21st Century English"と題して、英語ネイティブ教員による授業を体験してもらいました。高校生の皆さんはもちろん、保護者も、本学学生も加わって一緒に楽しみながら21世紀の英語の面白さについて考えました。)

Collaborative demonstration class

After the demonstration class, the KEG students held lively quizzes, gave really informative talks in English about various aspects of university life in our department, and explained about their valuable experiences on our study abroad programs. From their great presentations, we could all get a feel of how students make so much progress during their time at HJU.


Student explanations about university life and study abroad experiences

Next up was the chance for our visitors to chat informally with students and staff. There was much to talk about.

Time for an informal chat with KEG students and staff

And at the end, there was still just enough time to ask any remaining questions about all the information on display.


We hope that our visitors enjoyed their day with us. We certainly enjoyed our day with them. Thank you all for coming and we look forward very much to welcoming you to HJU campus again.

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