人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース


We are very fortunate to have another new teacher in KEG from this spring. We have been joined by Atsushi Awazuhara and it has been great to get to know him over the first few weeks of the semester. His academic interest is theology, and he is another friendly face on campus. We asked him to tell us a little more about himself.

コロナ前はバックパッカーを趣味としていました。イランやインドなど、西〜南アジアがお気に入りです。地元の人と一緒にバスや列車で移動するのですが、国によっては空の国内線が充実してきていて、経済の変化を感じることもあります。食事も地元の人が集う食堂や屋台が性に合っています。インドの屋台で激しい下痢をしたときは日本から持参した薬がまったく通用せず、現地の薬局で処方してもらった薬で治りました。「郷にいれば郷に従え When in Rome, do as the Romans do.」ということでしょうか。


It is often the journey that counts more than the destination - dancing with some Kurdish friends along the way



Say "cheese" - Haru and friend!


All in KEG wish a warm welcome to Awazuhara sensei.

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The Department of International English is fortunate to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this April. We'll leave them to introduce themselves, so here is the first of our new staff members.

Hello Everyone! My name is Ágota Duró, and I have been a new member of the Department of International English since April. It is a pleasure to teach at Hiroshima Jogakuin University and I am looking forward to meeting you on campus!
皆さん、こんにちは!今年の4月から国際英語学科に教員として新しく入りましたドゥロー・アーゴタと申します。 広島女学院大学で教えられることをとても嬉しく思います。皆さんに大学でお会いできることを楽しみにしています!

I am from Komádi, a small town in the eastern part of Hungary. I have always been interested in learning foreign languages and history, and during my undergraduate studies I majored in English at the University of Debrecen and later specialized in American Studies. I took Japanese as an elective course as a graduate student and had the opportunity to study at Hirosaki University in Aomori Prefecture from 2010 to 2011, during which I immersed myself in the local culture, became a part of the local community, and gained fluency in Japanese. My favorite place in Hirosaki was the Hirosaki Castle Park, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful cherry blossom viewing spot in Japan where I could get a glimpse of one of Japan's oldest castles surrounded by various kinds of cherry trees against the backdrop of the snow-covered Mt. Iwaki.
私はハンガリー東部にあるコマディという小さな町の出身です。 私は以前から外国語と歴史を学ぶことに興味があり、大学生時代にはデブレツェン大学で英語を専攻し、修士課程に入ってから北米研究を専攻しました。デブレツェン大学では日本語を選択科目として取り、2010年から2011年まで青森県の弘前大学に留学する機会を得ました。その時、津軽の文化に触れ、現地の方々と交流し、 日本語も話せるようになりました。弘前で一番好きな場所は弘前公園でした。弘前公園は、雪に覆われた岩木山を背景に、さまざまな種類の桜に囲まれた日本最古の城の1つを垣間見ることができる、日本で最も美しい桜の名所だと思います。

Standing in front of Hirosaki Castle when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom (in 2011).

While studying in Hirosaki, I attended a seminar on War Literature where I read Barefoot Gen, a famous Japanese manga written by Nakazawa Keiji. This experience provided me with the opportunity to think about the atomic bombing from a humanitarian perspective for the first time. After reading the story of the six-year-old Gen, who had witnessed the death of his father and two of his siblings right in front of him immediately after the atomic bomb had been dropped, I began to think about the preciousness of the peaceful world more profoundly, something which I had taken for granted before.

Receiving my Master's degree at the University of Debrecen (Hungary) in 2012.

After spending one year in Japan, I returned to Hungary and obtained my Master's degree in American Studies in 2012. Given my strong determination to pursue research on the history and the collective memory of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I returned to Japan in 2013 as a research student at Hirosaki University, and in the fall of 2014, I began my doctoral studies at the Faculty of International Studies, Hiroshima City University, focusing on Japanese civil society activism to advocate for the rights of the atomic bomb survivors residing in South Korea. My supervisor, Professor Robert Jacobs, a prominent and well-known professor at Hiroshima Peace Institute, gave constructive comments on my work on a weekly basis, responded to my questions with a lot of consideration and expertise, provided me with a lot of advice on academia and publishing, and connected me to leading scholars.
日本で1年間過ごした後ハンガリーに戻り、2012年に北米研究の修士号を取得しました。 ヒロシマとナガサキへの原爆投下の歴史と集団記憶を研究したいという強い決意を持っていたため、2013年に弘前大学に改めて研究生として入学しました。 2014年の秋には広島市立大学国際学研究科に入り、博士課程で研究を始めました。研究テーマは、韓国に住む原爆被爆者の権利を救援する日本の市民社会活動についてでした。 指導教員は広島平和研究所所属のロバート・ジェイコブズ教授で、ジェイコブズ教授は毎週のように私の研究について建設的な意見を述べ、専門知識を持って質問に具体的に答え、学界と論文発表・ジャーナルについて色々なアドバイスをくださり、私の分野で優秀な学者とつなげてくださった素晴らしい指導教員です。

Little known is the fact that ten percent of the atomic bomb victims came from the Korean Peninsula, something which I had not been aware of until I began to conduct research on the history of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My doctoral dissertation covers fields of Peace Studies, Japanese postwar history, and Japanese social history. It offers a new interpretation of the existing Japanese-Korean relations and a new perspective of the atomic bomb narrative. It is important to know that the atomic bombing discourse is not limited to the history of Japanese hibakusha, and the role of the Japanese peace activists fighting for the equal treatment of Japanese and overseas hibakusha must be emphasized.

Receiving my Ph.D. at Hiroshima City University in 2017.

After obtaining my PhD in Peace Studies in September 2017, I began to teach English at various schools while continuing my research, publishing, and giving conference talks as a visiting researcher at Hiroshima City University. I had the opportunity to teach some of the English classes at Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School, too, from 2022 to 2023, which strengthened my teaching skills and helped me gain invaluable teaching experience. Although it took many years of hard work and persistent efforts, my dream of teaching at a Japanese university eventually came true. I am really grateful to my parents who have always supported me from Hungary and have always taught me that we can accomplish great things in life with hard work and persistence.
2017年9月に平和学の博士号を取得した後、広島市立大学で客員研究員として研究、ジャーナルでの論文発表、学会発表を続けながら、英会話講師として教育経験を積みました。2022年から2023年にかけて、広島女学院中学校高等学校でも英語の授業を担当する機会がありました。 何年にもわたる努力が必要でしたが、日本の大学で教えたいという夢が今年ついに叶いました。 ハンガリーからいつも私を支えてくれた両親に本当に感謝しています。両親は、勤勉さと粘り強さによって、人生で大きなことを成し遂げることができると小さい時から教えてくれました。

Finally, I would like to send an important message to the students of HJU: Dare to dream big and never give up on your dreams. You will encounter a lot of hardships along the way, but if you keep doing your best and stay determined, your hard work will definitely pay off.

It is wonderful to have Agota with us and thanks to her friendly, outgoing nature, she is already well-known across campus. Coming soon - an introduction to our second new staff member!

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All the International English Department staff and first-year students got together for some fun and games on Saturday, April 15, courtesy of the wonderful student Orientation Camp leaders. The main aim of the day was for new students (including our international students from Korea and the USA) to get to know not only each other, but also some of their seniors and their teachers.

Students and teachers from around the world getting to know each other

In the morning, after a truth-or-lies introduction game, we warmed up with a few fun activities in the Macauley Gym. Winning teams were justly rewarded with snacks aplenty, but the laughter and smiles were equally shared among all teams.

Teachers and students in action during the morning session!

After a lovely, healthy bento (and a much needed rest for some of the older teachers) it was time to exercise our brains and put our artistic creativity to the test with a variety of fun games played in English.

The English language flowed amongst the laughter in the afternoon session

We all had a lot of fun together, and thanks to the magnificent efforts of the Orientation Camp leaders, we all went home happy in the knowledge we now knew each other that much better.

All smiles - 1st-year students, international students, teachers and the Orientation Camp leaders

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At the beginning of the academic year we hand out certificates for our STARS program. Students are awarded STARS certificates based on scores in public English tests such as TOEIC or EIKEN. AK was one of many students who had successfully reached the level to be awarded a STARS certificate - in her case she got two!

AK with her 3 STARS and 4 STARS certificates.

In the Department of International English at HJU, we encourage students to make English a part of everyday life as much as possible. We asked AK in which ways she makes English part of her life, in addition to the traditional classroom/homework experience.

Q. 大学入学後の英語の勉強について教えてください。

A. 私は大学生になってVTuberにハマり、趣味としても英語学習としても英語を話すVTuberさんの配信を見ています。VTuberさんは声質が良く、英語が聞き取りやすいのでとてもおすすめです。

When I became a university student, I was into VTubers who speak English. I often watch their YouTube stream, which is my hobby and studying English. I highly recommend VTubers because their voice quality is good and their English is easy to understand.

Q. TOEICや英検なども含め英語向上のための勉強法は?

A. まずは英語に慣れるために、常に英語に触れることができる環境を作ることが大切だと思います。例えば、普段聞いている曲の英詞の意味を調べたり、携帯の言語を英語にしたりしています。

First of all, in order to get used to English, I think it is important to create an environment where you can always touch English in your life. Specifically, I look up the meaning of the English lyrics of the songs I usually listen to, and change the language of my smartphone to English.

So, congratulations to AK on achieving the 3 and 4 STARS certicate goals. It is great to see students finding more and more creative ways to add English into their everyday lives.

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