人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース


This semester most of our classes have been conducted online due to the coronavirus situation. This has been a very different experience for the students and teachers in our department. We have all had to get used to doing things in a new way and I think we have all noticed some things that have been a bit of a challenge. However, on closer reflection, there are some very positive things to come out of our unusual teaching/learning situation. We decided that it would be a good idea to get a better idea from some KEG teachers about their online classes. Here is what Yumiko Isobe (KEG Department Chair), Bobby Dormer (GSE course head), and John Herbert had to say.

(今学期、新型コロナウィルスの影響によりほとんどの授業が遠隔で行われました。このような形式で授業を行うことは、国際英語学科の学生にとっても教員にとってもこれまでにない経験です。新しい授業方法に慣れるには難しさもありましたが、振り返ってみるとこれまでの普段の指導/学修にはない利点があることも気づきました。そこで、国際英語学科の三名教員(磯部祐実子(学科長)、Robert Dormer(GSEコース担当)、John Herbert)に遠隔授業の良さについて聞いてみたいと思います。)


JH's Google Meet session with students for Academic Research ("Zemi").

Q1. How have you been conducting your online classes?(どのように遠隔授業を行っていますか?)

YI: Google Classroomで資料(GoogleスライドとGoogleドキュメント)を配信して授業を行っています。どの科目でも、毎授業学生には資料を読む前に必ず事前準備を行ってもらいます。その日の授業内容に関するトピックを調べたり、それまでの経験を振り返るアンケートをGoogle Formで行ったりすることで、授業内容にも入り易くなると考えています。また、学生はオンデマンドで資料を読むだけでは単調な作業になる恐れがあるため、スライドに音声を入れる、また関係する他の動画や画像を見たり、資料を読んだりした上で、自分で考え、それをワークシートにまとめるというアクティビティを組み込んでいます。そうして学生から出てきた意見や疑問をまとめ、さらに教員のコメントを加えた資料を次の授業時に配信し、学生と教員で意見を共有する場を設けるようにしています。

RD: I have been using a combination of email, instant messaging, Google Sites, and Google Meet. I would certainly say that I have been grateful that we are living, working, and studying at a time when there are so many digital resources! As other teachers have mentioned, YouTube is a great resource, and I often use cloud-based shared documents to enable students to collaborate and also to provide real-time feedback. I've been deeply impressed with the flexibility and the speed with which students have adapted to new technologies and new ways of working.

(Eメール、チャット機能、Google Site、Google Meetを適宜組み合わせて行っています。これほどデジタル化した生活環境、職場・学修環境が整っていることを本当にありがたく感じます。また、YouTubeを使ったり、クラウドで資料を共有して学生たちが共同作業行ったり、教員がリアルタイムにコメントをしたりもします。こうした新しい技術や学修方法に関する、学生の適応力や修得の速さにも非常に驚かされます。)

JH: I have used Google Classroom as a starting point for all my classes. For two of my classes, 比較文化学 I and 人文学入門, I have used slides, recordings of my voice, and video clips from YouTube for illustrative purposes. The students have completed tasks (often with worksheets) and I have given them feedback on their written ideas and opinions. For all my other classes, I have met with students on Google Meet, and we have been able to have class "face to face" with thought-provoking discussions and some excellent student presentations. It has been so great to have face-to-face contact with students.

(すべてのクラスでGoogle Classroomを使用しています。受講者の多い「比較文化学I」と「人文学入門」という科目では、学生たちはスライドを読み、さらに録音した講義内容の説明を聞き、また実際の例を示すためにYouTubeの動画を視聴するようにしています。学生は、大抵の場合配布したワークシートを使って課題を行います。さらに学生からの考えや意見に対してフィードバックを行なっています。他の少人数の科目では、Google Meetで「対面」の授業を行ってきました。学生たちは各自でまとめた意見をもとに活発なディスカッションを行い、優れたプレゼンテーションを行っています。直接学生の顔を見て授業を行えるのは、改めて素晴らしいことだと感じています。)

Q2. What have been the positive points from your perspective as a teacher?(教員として遠隔授業の利点は何だと考えますか?)

YI: 普段の教室での授業では、学生は時間的な制約や、個々の性格によって十分に自分の意見が述べられないこともありますが、オンデマンド方式の授業方法であれば、多くの学生がより自由に自分の意見を率直に述べ、共有する場が持てることが教員にとっても利点だと考えます。特に、納得のいくまで資料を読み返して理解した上で、さらに自分自身で積極的に調べた上でまとめた学生の考えを知ることができるのは、教員としても刺激になります。


Google Classroomのチャット機能で、学生はクラスメートと意見を共有したり、教員もコメントをしたりすることができます。

RD: I think the positive parts are being able to connect directly with the students. Of course, learning in an online environment will have some differences to a physical classroom, and each has its own unique benefits. However, and the credit for this is entirely owed to the students, through a positive open-minded approach and a willingness to try and learn new things, each class has become smoother and more effective as the semester has progressed. One thing I've learned is that students have a broader understanding of resources and types of media available on the internet. So, in the future, I aim to allow more open-ended assignments: instead of telling them to read or watch a specific resource, sometimes I will be asking them to see what they can find for themselves. Young people nowadays have grown up in the middle of a technological revolution, so perhaps we shouldn't be surprised as teachers that they have already accumulated so much digital literacy! I think this semester has also underscored how valuable the smaller classes at HJU are. Small classes mean more time for each student to think, formulate, and share. One thing is for certain, we are all finishing the semester with greater confidence, skill, and speed at using computer-based learning tools!


JH: Personally speaking, the first thing that comes to mind is that I now know how to use several new forms of technology. I can also use many of these in future to cut down on the amount of paper that gets used in my classes - so, a small victory for the environment. I also think that students have really grown in confidence with using different forms of digital technology. I have been impressed with the way the students have adapted to the new class style, and in the long run, I think they will look back on this experience and realize just how much they learned.



RD's Google Meet session with students for Academic Research ("Zemi").

So, all three teachers have experienced a variety of positive aspects to the online teaching system being used by teachers in KEG. Each teacher has used different methods and believe they have gained some valuable experitise. They also believe that, in the long term, students will have learned many important life skills.


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広島女学院大学では、毎夏「オープンセミナー」と題して、高校生の皆さんに大学の授業を受講してもらい、さらに授業の内容で興味を持ったテーマについてリサーチを行う、大学での学びを一足先に体験してもらう機会を設けています。国際英語学科では、二つのセミナーがあります。「英米文化ふしぎ発見!」と、今年初めて開講する「Brush up your English〜英語力を磨く〜」です。コロナウィルス感染症の影響で今年は遠隔での実施になりますが、各教員は対面授業と同じように高校生の皆さんに楽しんでもらえるよう、現在授業の資料や動画づくりの準備を行っています。


「Brush up your English〜英語力を磨く〜」



二つのコースで「英語力 for life」を担当する教員からのメッセージです。









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University life is an important stage for all of us. As a teacher, one of the happiest, and saddest times is saying goodbye to the 4th year seniors when they graduate. In this series of articles, I have asked some of the GSE graduates who are now working to speak about their new lives, about their jobs, and to give some advice to current students. This time, A.K. has been kind enough to share some of her wisdom and experience!


First, and since Ayaka is using English in her new job, and since she improved her language abilities a great deal during her 4 years at HJU, I asked her for some tips on how current students can follow in her footsteps and improve their English.


Ayaka Working (1).jpg

Ayaka K is now busy at work!

"I recommend doing daily assignments, studying for the TOEIC test by oneself, and as I mentioned, reading short passages aloud- which I especially enjoyed because I like actually speaking English. Also, I often listen to music and sing English songs, and watch movies and YouTube in English as part of my leisure time."


Next, I asked her about how current students can endeavor to work hard and improve themselves while at university.


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A very happy A.K. on graduation day!

"I suggest both volunteering and taking a part-time job. Through volunteering, I could learn diverse knowledge and ways of thinking. Also, because I had a part-time job, I could learn social knowledge such as flexibility. Also, I worked at a cram school part-time, so I could improve my English skills by teaching others."


I was curious about how A.K. uses English in her new job, so I asked her about it.


"The section in which I am currently training in mainly domestic logistics, so I use Japanese more than English. However, we also do business with foreign-affiliated companies, so I have a chance to use English by giving support over the phone and through creating documents. Also, in the section of international logistics, there are lots of chances to use English because people always deal with international companies. So I will have a chance to use English more and more as I develop in my role. Having as good English ability as possible is definitely an advantage."


Finally, some words of advice for high school students:


"Try your best at everything. There are a lot of experiences which you can have as a university student. Don't judge a book by its cover and try something new, as often as possible. Try many different things actively, and you will grow as a person!"


Thank you to A.K. for her stories and advice! I look forward to hearing from other HJU graduates in the future!

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