2. 大学からのお知らせ
  3. Extensive Reading Activities (多読活動)



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Extensive Reading Activities (多読活動)

It is exciting to report that some of Daniel Hougham's Kiso Eigo classes started doing Extensive Reading (ER) activities in semester 1, 2019.
The aim of these activities is to encourage students to experience the joy of reading books of their choice at a beginner level and to improve their overall English abilities, giving them some in-class time to do two main things:

  • read individually or in pairs and practice using the key strategy of guessing unknown words from context
  • speak with classmates about books they have read, supporting each other by sharing experiences, information and recommendations

Some classes are piloting a web-based learning management system called MReader, which keeps track of their reading achievements by way of quizzes. These classes are using a specially designed reading journal with a column where students can put a check in a checkbox when they pass an MReader quiz (sample Kiso Eigo student journal shown below, with permission).

今回は、Hougham先生が担当する基礎英語のクラスでの活動をご紹介します。本年度より、多読活動"Extensive Reading" を授業に取り入れています。

  • 個人またはペアで読み、文脈から新しい単語の意味を推測するという重要なストラテジーを使う練習を行う。
  • 読んだ本についてクラスメートと話し、その体験、情報、オススメのポイントを共有しながら互いにサポートし合う。



*YL=Yomiyasusa Level (読みやすさレベル)とはSSS英語学習法研究会が生徒を観察している教師の意見、多読をしている大人の意見から総合的に普通の英語学習者にとっての読みやすさを0.0から9.9までの数値にしたもの。数値が小さい程読みやすくなっています。

The basic goal for all students is reading 10,000 words. Each time a student passes a quiz, she gets a book cover on her individual MReader page. Each time a student passes her goal, she is encouraged to set a new goal for herself, thus giving her a sense of achievement and autonomy. The screenshot below shows a student who has read 40 books with quizzes passed (total words read in this course: 67,896). This student has already achieved several word count goals and has recently set herself a new goal of 100,000 words.



MReader enables the teacher to monitor and encourage students' reading progress, making the management of these activities a very easy and enjoyable task. Another example students' page is shown below. This student has read 32 books with quizzes passed (total words read in this course: 55,822). She has achieved her goal of 50,000 words in two and a half months.




❖ "I am very happy to read books everyday. I can share my favorite books to my classmates and talk about the books each other. By this way, we are all promoting our English everyday! And when I am reading books, I usually forget the time, that means reading books is very interesting!"


❖ "I usually don't read books. But these books are easy to read, have pictures. So I enjoy reading books these days. Sometimes, I talk with my friend about these books. And I borrow books which my friend recommended. From now on, I want to read many books!"


❖ "I enjoy reading a lot of books and sharing impressions about interesting books with my a friends."


❖ "We read and share many kinds of books in this Kiso Eigo class. We speak about the contents and stories of our favorite books which we chose to read. We get interested in books when hearing about the story from a friend. After reading each book, we solve a quiz about it and can review the content of each book by doing a quiz. I am very glad when I pass quizzes. My reading speed became a lot faster by reading many easy-to-read books. I want to do my best with these activities."




Some classes are not using MReader, but are writing short summary reports of their reading instead. A sample student reading journal with written reports can be seen below (shared with permission).




❖ "With my classmates, I talked about books I had read, and we were able to teach each other even if there were words that we didn't know. We looked at the sentences before and after to guess the meaning of unknown words and deepened our understanding of books. By writing reports, I was able to get used to writing English by myself little by little."


All students have the opportunity to participate in a "Reader Challenge" contest where their reading achievements will be recognized and rewarded with certificates of achievement and prizes. It should be noted that the Reader Challenge is not necessarily a competition between students but a personal challenge that students can choose to participate in voluntarily. An awards ceremony is scheduled for July 24th.
It is hoped that these activities will enable students to experience success and enjoyment in reading and speaking in English, and to develop as autonomous learners who achieve their goals by using effective learning strategies such as "guessing unknown words from context". The basic skills and positive attitudes they develop will serve students well when they face challenging situations such as taking the TOEIC test and interacting with people in English in the future.

全ての学生が"Reader Challenge"コンテストに参加することができ、個々ののリーディングの達成度が評価され、修了証と賞品が贈られる予定です。このコンテストは、学生同士の競争ではなく、それぞれが自ら参加し、チャレンジするものです。表彰式は7月24日を予定しています。

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