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2024.10.21 留学 海外研修
カナダ留学2024 現地リポート①


2024.10.11 英語系
国際英語学科教員が一部翻訳した『バーナード・ショー戯曲集 下』が出版されました!

2024.10.02 英語系
KEG STARS - Congratulations to all award winners! ~目標の英語スコアアップ達成~

In September we hand out the latest STARS certificates to our students. Students in the Department of International English are awarded STARS certificates based on their score...

2024.09.24 授業紹介 英語系
Global Internship〜平和活動のインターンシップ〜 #2

Students of the Department of International English at Hiroshima Jogakuin University have many different opportunities to gain experiences outside of campus. In this report, we hear from one such student, who has just complet...

2024.09.17 授業紹介 キャリア・スタディ・プログラム
【KEG class profile】キャリア・スタディ・プログラムⅡ〜広島の会社、広島で働くことを知る〜

2024.09.04 海外研修 英語系
2024年度カナダ留学〜Departure for Canada〜


2024.08.26 英語系
Final Open Campus for 2024 summer


2024.08.22 授業紹介 英語系
Global Internship〜平和活動のインターンシップ〜 #1

At HJU, classroom learning is important, but we also encourage students to join off-campus activities. In the GSE Internship class, for example, we study why hands-on learning is important for global citizenship. This year, two s...

2024.08.08 英語系
旅するEnglish! Open Seminar at HJU

The Department of International English held our Open Seminar during two of the hottest days of the year. In spite of the heat, we all had a great time, studying all about the themes in our 旅するEnglish! program; thankfully our classroom had grea...

2024.08.02 英語系
A Link between High School and University〜大学の授業で英語の世界に飛び込もう〜

We have just held our annual koudai renkei event. This is a day when high school students come to our campus and experience some classes taught by our Department of International En...

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