

The first of our July Open Campuses has just been held. It was wonderful to meet high school students of all ages and their parents.(7月最初のオープンキャンパスには、1年生から3年生まで幅広い学年の高校生が参加してくださいました。)Our day started with a sl...

Lots of students take the opportunity to study abroad. After all, it is perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity. The students in the Department of International English get prepared for study abroad in a variety ...

In the Department of International English, we like to make sure that all our first-year students are doing okay and are on-track with university life. In order to ensure ...

Studying abroad is one of the wonderful opportunities awaiting students at HJU. YY went to the United States and this is her final article in our Department News about her experiences. Here, she t...

Studying abroad is one of the wonderful opportunities awaiting students at HJU. YY went to the United States and this is her second article in our Department News about her experiences. Here, she tells us fi...

We have just held our first summer Open Campus and we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming high school students and their parents to the International Department of English.

The Oral Communication class offers great opportunities for our students to use their English actively in class.

